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ACT Information


HCHS Junior Opportunity: I am currently working to get an ACT Power Prep class scheduled, to help prepare for the state paid ACT in February. I will let you know ASAP when this will be.

Juniors and Seniors need to be concerned with taking the ACT if they plan to go to college.  Board of Regent schools use the ACT benchmark scores as entrance requirements (http://www.kansasregents.org/).  I still recommend students to take the ACT even if they aren't planning on going to one of the six BOR schools right out of high school (Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, Wichita State University or the University of Kansas, because the ACT scores can be used in lieu of the Accuplacer Placement Test students must take to place into college level classes.  Also, some scholarships rely on student's ACT scores.  Below are links to ACT test dates and the ACT website to help answer any other questions you may have.

2023-2024 School Year:

All Freshmen will be given the PreACT 8/9 on October 25, 2023, paid for by the State of Kansas.

Juniors that signed up will be given the ACT WorkKeys Assessment Spring 2024, paid for by the State of Kansas.

Juniors that signed up will be given the ACT Test on February 27, 2024, paid for by the State of Kansas.


2023-2024 Testing Dates

ACT Registration & Dates, Test Prep, Testing Day, Scores  

Preparing for the ACT booklet

ACT Information